Alternative History: Ancient Astronauts And Modern Ufonauts: Who's Who And What's What


The extraterrestrial ‘gods' up through and such as the modern UFO era, appear to be comprised of a multitude of beings, which may possibly not be all that surprising seeing as how alot more than one alien civilization has arose and boldly gone and interacted with other boldly going extraterrestrial civilizations. The ‘Star Trek' perfect of a ‘Federation' may possibly not be so far removed from actual reality. So who's who, and what are their characteristics in this, an option take on history?


When it comes down to tracing your history, from the Massive Bang event 13.7 billion years ago up through and which includes your self at your address, nicely the regular model is pretty straight forward. The 1 factor that tends to be missing from the regular texts even so are the influences that other life forms, extraterrestrials, have had on that Significant-Bang- to-you huge picture. All and sundry ignore this factor I don't.




When it comes to the ‘gods' (my term but in reality extraterrestrials) from ancient to contemporary times, we have…


Ancient: The Polytheistic gods are universal in human mythology regardless of culture, race, geographical settlements, and so on. they collectively represent a division of godly responsibilities toward that certain culture or geographical location. Each and every location commands a separate pantheon of gods. For example, the Norse lands (Scandinavia) have Odin, Thor, Loki, and so on. They are akin to a parliament exactly where you have a prime minister (head god), a cabinet (senior gods) and backbenchers (minor deities). So you have an agricultural god, a weather god, and so on.


Ancient: The Monotheistic God (but almost certainly just 1 of the polytheistic gods whose jurisdiction was the Middle East) and clan have grow to be the dominant deity (with connected hangers on) within the western globe. Sadly, in spite of Christian propaganda that God is a moral, just, loving deity, His biography, as given in the Biblical Old Testament, is anything but. God is shown to have all the same sorts of emotional attributes as the polytheistic gods had. Translated, God possesses the normal run of emotions and behaviors that not only the gods had but that humans have. In other words, God has all the morals of an alley cat! Further, none of the supernatural powers exhibited by God (or clan, like Jesus Christ or J.C.) are unique to God. Anything God can do, the polytheistic gods can do too.


Ancient: Jesus Christ (J.C.) is one of a lot of minor ‘deities' born on Earth and the only identified example to the top of my understanding of a ‘god' getting executed by humans. So why didn't our supposedly all effective God-The-Father step in and avoid this execution? God hasn't specifically been shy in interfering in human affairs before this event. That ‘God' didn't intervene is not surprising. A popular theme in mythology is the father killing off, or attempting to have eliminated, all male offspring that could down the track prove threatening to dad's own energy base. The Greek god Zeus himself nearly suffered this fate but escaped and ultimately got his revenge on dear old daddy.


Ancient: Angels are extra minor ‘deities' under ‘God's' jurisdiction (wings and haloes and harps are human embellishments). Not all ‘angels' had been pleased under, and with ‘God's' style of command and thus some staged a mutiny – which failed. There are other examples in mythology of ‘gods' revolting against their peers and superiors – turf wars and power struggles were the norm way back when.


Ancient: Fairy-Folk (such as elves, and so on.) had been one more extraterrestrial clan whose relationship with the ‘gods' isn't entirely clear – colleagues or did they have separate agendas? These beings were later identified as the Incubi and Succubi and right now are akin to the ‘Greys' of UFO abduction lore.


Ancient: Many mythological beasties, linked with the gods and/or God are of two types: There are the half-and-halves (half human – half animal) who are among the end merchandise of ET's genetic engineering experiments. Then there are the dragons and the other non-godlike entities discovered in all mythologies. I find them akin to human's companion animals. Translated, dragons, etc. had been pets of the gods – both getting of course extraterrestrial in origin.


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