History of Gemini Constellation


The history of Gemini Constellation is a distinctive 1. The symbol of twins depicts a love bond in between them as stated in Greek myth. A majority of the Greek constellations came from Babylonian astronomy. On the other hand, the legends surrounding the origin of the constellations had been mostly taken from Greek mythology.

The Gemini Constellation is 1 of the 88 constellations defined by the Astronomical Union. The constellation is an image of a two spurs with stars Castor and Pollux at 1 end and four brief spurs in the other end. This history of Gemini constellation dates back to prehistoric times. Gemini is in reality the Latin word for “twins”. It is associated with the twins, Castor and Pollux as depicted in Greek mythology. Besides Castor and Pollux, the other two visible stars in the constellation are Alhena and Wasat. Pollux is the brightest star in the Gemini constellation. It is identified in astronomical terms as beta Geminorum. It was discovered that Pollux is approximately 33 light years from our solar method and has a planet that is believed to be two.three times the size of Jupiter.

The mythology explains that Castor and Pollux were both mothered by a identical individual called Leda, but had various fathers. The myth elaborates that Leda was seduced and produced pregnant in the exact same night by Zeus (who disguised himself as a Swan) and her husband, King Tyndareus. Leda then birthed Pollux and Helen of Troy, followed by Castor the Twin of Pollux.  Castor did properly in managing horses whilst Pollux had extraordinary abilities in boxing. It was also noted that Pollux was immortal, whereas Castor was mortal. They both journeyed together in search of the Golden Fleece (comparable to the Holy Grail). They fought alongside in the Trojan War to return Helen to her husband. When Castor died, Pollux was in despair. Pollux then requested Zeus to enable Castor share his immortality. Zeus with the power given agreed, and they had been reunited as the Gemini Constellation image in the night sky, by no means parted.

The wealthy history of Gemini Constellation depicts a attractive love story in between two twins, who in the end chose to be together despite death.


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