Irish Mythology - the Story of Deirdre


Deirdre led a tragic life and became known as Deirdre of the Sorrows. She was the daughter of Felim MacDall, an Ulster chieftain, a druid named Cathbad had prophesised that she would be the most wonderful woman in Ireland but her beauty would trigger kings to got o war. On hearing the prophecy, the King of Ulster, Conchobar mac Nessa wanted her for himself, he had her brought up in seclusion by a wise, old woman named Leabharcham until she would be old sufficient to marry. Yet, Deirdre fell in enjoy with a young warrior named Naoise and they fled with his two brothers Ainle and Ardan to Scotland. They had been plagued all through Scotland by kings who desired Deirdre for themselves, lastly they located sanctuary on the a remote island. Concobhar sent Fergus mac Roich as a peace envoy to tell the refugees that it was safe to return property. When they arrived, Concobhar sent spies to see if Deirdre was as stunning as just before, when he discovered she had lost none of her beauty he decided that he once again wanted her for himself. Concobhar raided the fort at Emain Macha (Navan Fort) taking Deirdre and killing Naoise, Ainle and Ardan. Concobhar forced her to marry him but despite the fact that he possessed her body, she gave him nothing else. He realised that she would ever adore him so he gave her away to 1 of his warriors, Eoghan MacDurthacht. Deirdre committed suicide by hanging out of MacDurtacht’s chariot and dashing her head against rocks.


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